Xnova Lightning 4030-1000KV Brushless Motor (Shaft-A) - Goblin Raw 700 PIUMA
- This brand new Xnova "Lightning" 4030-1000Kv Brushless Motor with a 6mm x 38mm "Type A". was specifically designed for the SAB Raw Piuma 700, this particular motor has the ideal KV for either a 6s, or 7s setup.

Check out Kyle Stacy in the video below flying the RAW Piuma with the Xnova 4030-1000kv motor!
This is the Xnova Lightning 4030-1000KV 1.5Y Brushless Motor with a 6mm "Type A" 38mm Shaft. The "Lightning Series" was developed from the extremely successful XTS Platform. Lightning series motors are simply the pinnacle of performance, and efficiency. If you're looking for the absolute best brushless motor within the Xnova line up, this is it! This high performance brushless motor was developed specifically for 3D flying on 6-7S on the SAB Goblin Raw 700 PIUMA.
INCLUDES: 3 male and 3 female heavy duty bullets!

Xnova Lightning Features:
- Improved higher efficiency with thinner stator lamination, resulting in lower temperature.
- Optimized and unique design, hand wound to perfection!
- Smooth running, low cogging torque.
- New type, and of higher degree magnets.
- Thinner stator laminations
- Lower temperatures
- Specialized wires, with heat resistance up to 250 degree C
- Precision balanced
- High performance stator metal sheet
- Optimized ventilation
Slots and Poles: 24n8p
Winding T: 1.5Y
rpm/V: 1000
Volt (V): 10 | 20 | 25
Io(A): 3.1 | 5.1 | 5.3
Rm (mohm): 7 | 7 | 7
Weight (without connector): 435g
Body Length (no shaft): 61.2mm
Diameter: 49.5mm
Shaft Length: 38mm
Shaft Diameter: 6mm
Max Eff. Current.: 66.55 | 120.71 | 137.58
Max Eff.: 90.68 | 91.55 | 92.30
Kt (Nm/A): 0.0095
Km (Nm/sqrt(w)): 0.1141
Max Continuous Power (Watts): 3500
Peak Continuous Power (Watts) (5 sec): 6900
Max cont. current (A): 100